
Delivery Information
Sim card delivery will be either at the airport (schedule permitting), hotel or place you are going to from the airport.
This will be co-ordinated with you a few days prior to your departure.
Terms & Conditions
1SIM HUB (Provider) and Customer (The User) parties to the order form hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
The Provider has been granted the distribution rights to provide the Customer wireless telecommunication services.
1.1 The Customer has contracted with the Provider only and not with any Cellular Carrier who is the provider of the telecommunication services. By checking the Authorization box on the electronic order form for which these terms and conditions are an integral part, The User recognizes that he/she does not have any rights for claims or action of any kind against the Cellular Carrier.
1.2 The User undertakes to fulfill all instructions of the Israeli Ministry of Communications.
1.3 The service provided is for the use of the User only and may not be transferred, sold or sublet in any form, to any other person without the written consent of the Provider.
1.4 It is understood by The User that the cell phone or SIM card and thereby the phone number is rented to The User for their personal use and is not to be used.
1.5 This phone and sim card is strictly for the personal use of the User and is not to be used in any connection with any income earning, business transactions or consulting activity. The phone number is not to be posted or advertised anywhere or given out to anyone for the purpose of soliciting business or any income gathering activity. You will be responsible for the payment of any fine levied on the Provider for misuse of the phone including but not limited to legal fees and any other fees associated with any fine incurred by the Company resulting from the phone misuse of The User.
2.1 The User is responsible to pay all rental charges, air time charges, taxes and fines due until the rented item(s) are received by the Provider at its’ office in Israel.
2.2 The following charges will be assessed for the misuse of the phone or non-return of equipment provided The User:
Cell phone up to $199.00 (depending on the model)
Battery $50.00
Charger $25.00
Sim Card $25.00
2.3 The User will be assessed a processing fee of $75.00 if all the equipment is not returned in Israel as the return instructions state.
2.4 Any defacing of a phone, changes or tampering with the security codes will result in The User being assessed a fee of $50.00.
2.5 Any decline, by the bank of the User, of a charge to the credit card of The User for cell phone usage which is not resolved within 5 business days of a notification by email of such decline, from the Provider will result in a $35.00 fee. A Chargeback claim made by The User will result in a $50.00 fee. Any unresolved outstanding bill will be assessed a LATE PROCESSING FEE of $25.00 per month until resolved and the highest rate of interest allowed by law on the outstanding balance.
2.6 At the discretion of the Provider, it may bill The User for the cell phone usage in Shekel or in Dollars.
2.7 The Provider reserves the right to change the rates and plans at its’ discretion.
Repair, theft or loss
3.1 In case the cell phone and/or sim card is stolen or lost, it is the responsibility of The User to report this to the Distributor at phone number 09-746-2313. Until the notification is received, all usage made and charges incurred are the responsibility of The User.
3.2 Loss of a SIM card will result in a charge of $25.
4.1 The Provider warrants that the equipment will be in working condition when it is delivered to The User but cannot be responsible for the performance of the equipment or the operation of the telephone network equipment or the operation of the telephone network to which it is connected. The User acknowledges that services may be temporarily interrupted (including dropped calls) delayed or otherwise limited including dropped calls) delayed or otherwise limited due to a variety of causes, including without limitations transmission limitations by atmospheric and other conditions, system capability limitations conditions, system capability limitations and system or equipment failure.
4.2 The User shall indemnify and hold harmless 1 SIM HUB against all claims, loss, injury, liability or expense arising out of the lease, possession, equipment, operation of the equipment or service of the telecommunication service, which is the subject of the contract and any damage caused by malfunctioning of any electrical item purchased from 1 SIM HUB.
4.3 1SIM HUB reserves the right to deactivate the equipment at any time and without notice to The User in the event that the Provider detects improper usage and possible fraud in accordance with general operating practices and procedures of the cellular industry, and the Provider shall have no liability whatsoever to The User for such deactivation.
4.4 The User shall be liable to the Provider for all expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, collection fees and court costs incurred in connection with any collection, repossession or other action brought to enforce the Providers’ rights under this agreement.
4.5 Anyone renting a SIM card only and whose phone has internet capability, is responsible for any internet charges resulting from the phone accessing the internet in any form including malfunctioning of the phone or improper settings.
5.1 The equipment, including the telephone, charger, sim card and all accessories will at all times remain the property of the Provider. The User acquires no rights other than temporary use. During the rental period, no service or part replacements are authorized without written approval from the Provider. The User agrees that he/she has examined the equipment and that the equipment is in good working order at the time of receipt.
6.1 Should The User terminate the contract prior to the end of the school year (June) he will be charged $9.99 times the number of months left under contract to the end of the school year (June).
6.2 Should the User (a) obtain or use the equipment by any misrepresentation or fraudulent means, or (b) tamper with the cellular telephone meter, or (c) use the equipment for any illegal or improper purpose, or in violation of applicable law. Or (d) otherwise commit a breach of these terms and conditions then the Provider may at its discretion and in addition to other remedies available hereunder at law or in equity (i) terminate this agreement; (ii) immediately terminate all services to The User, and (iii) take immediate possession of the equipment without being obligated to repay any portion of the rental charges. The Provider may also terminate this agreement without any liability whatsoever to The User in the event that service is not available to it by a system operator. No remedy of the Provider shall be exclusive of every other remedy whether provided herein or available at law or in equity, but shall be cumulative with other remedies.
6.3 The Provider, at its’ own discretion reserves the right to cancel the service to The User and disconnect service for any reason including but not limited to The User’s violating or breaching any part of this agreement or failing to make payment when due.
​Applicable law
7.1 The laws of Ohio, United States of America and the State of Israel govern these Terms and Conditions.